Friday, August 31, 2012

Organising what to keep!

I forgot to start my blog off in the most obvious way possible! Before arranging everything you have to decide what you want and what you do not!

1. The first and easiest thing to do if you are someone with very little time is to take everything in your wardrobe and turn all the hangers backwards. Everytime you wear something turn the hanger the right way round. After a certain amount of time (say 6 months to a year) look at all your hangers and whichever ones are still facing backwards can be taken to the charity shop.
2. The other option is better but may take a few days and a few friends. Start at one end of the wardrobe and take every thing out one by one and try it on. After trying something on you can put it in one of 6 categories.
   - If it is stained or ripped beyond repair then put in the BIN!
   - If you are sure you don't want it then send to CHARITY SHOP!
      ( the other option if you do not want it is to sell on ebay but this does take a while and is not    suitable for very busy people as you need to take good pictures, list item at good time and be free to send parcels during post office hours)
   - If the item does not fit but you really like it then put it in a bag to ALTER or take to TAILORS!
   - If you do not like the item but think one of your friends might suit it then put it in bag to give to   them!  (you could also organise a clothing swap with all your friends but just make sure to only take things you really want as you may end up back where you started!)
   - If you are not sure about the item then put in a bag and leave bag under bed or in attic or somewhere safe and not damp. After 6 months get the bag back out. Sometimes you find stuff you forgot about or really missed but more often than not you did not miss the item and you can take them to the charity shop without the panic that you might be giving away something you really like!
   - And lastly if you like the item KEEP IT! it has earned a place back in your wardrobe.

Remember! If you can't see it then you won't wear it!!

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